Moldova to host IMF-World Bank Constituency Meeting

IPN, 3 July 2024 21:50

The Republic of Moldova will host the International Monetary Fund-World Bank Constituency Meeting on July 10-12. The meeting will be held in Chisinau, according to the principle of rotation, IPN reports, referring to a press release of the National Bank.The event, organized by the National Bank of Moldova and the Ministry of Finance, will bring together senior representatives of ce

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75 years after the Stalinist deportations of July 6-9, an exhibition entitled “The Train of Pain” was mounted in the Great National Assembly Square. This is the second exhibition of this kind. This year, the exhibition is presented in a new format, with digital and graphic elements, multimedia content, objects, photos and stories from the lives of deported families. The two
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CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.9253 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4601 Australian Dollar 036 AUD
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5 July 2024
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The Republic of Moldova must assume the construction and development of a complex that will represent the suffering of the people who experienced all types of repression. And not only deportations, but also other kinds of repression that must not be forgotten, such as arrests, homicides, organized hunger, forced refuges, etc, chairman of the Association of Former Deportees and Politic
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CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.9253 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4601 Australian Dollar 036 AUD
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The foreign ministers of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine signed a joint statement and a memorandum of understanding on combating manipulation and foreign interference.The declaration says the signatory states share similar visions and concerns regarding the current security environment and are firmly committed to a common, democratic, peaceful and prosperous European future. Appart from c
A system of photovoltaic panels was installed on the roof of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development. These panels will reduce electricity consumption by at most 15% at the first stage. Subsequently, the project will be extended and the reduction of energy costs will be around 45%, IPN reports.Adrian Bălu
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The president of the Civic Academy Foundation Ana Blandiana said that the memories related to the deportations of 75 years ago, but also the war on the border must make the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to choose the right perspective, the road to the European Union. It is not possible for the citizens here to choose anything else. History must not be allowed to reverse, the writer
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At the land auction held on Friday, July 5, nine lots of land located in the municipality’s built-up area, out of the 12 proposed, were sold for a total price of 31.2 million lei. The Chisinau City Hall said that the most expensive lot was sold for 18 million lei, IPN reports.The most expensive lot, which is 1.1 ha in area and is situated on Dragomirna St, will be used to erect
The Republic of Moldova must assume the construction and development of a complex that will represent the suffering of the people who experienced all types of repression. And not only deportations, but also other kinds of repression that must not be forgotten, such as arrests, homicides, organized hunger, forced refuges, etc, chairman of the Association of Former Deportees and Political
Students who want to continue their studies at a high school in the capital city can submit their files starting Saturday, July 6. For the 2024-2025 school year, the high school enrollment process is planned in 97 secondary education institutions (cycle II – high school) in the municipality. These are 82 public and 15 private institutions, which will employ a total of 5,246 stud
Seven of the nine members of the Central Election Commission are representatives of the ruling party, appointed by various institutions, which determines a feeling of distrust of the current composition of the CEC, PSDE secretary general Iurie Cazacu stated in a public debate entitled “What safeguards are needed against election fraud?”. According to him, the new Electoral Co
The opening of accession negotiations with the European Union is a clear indicator that there is enough democracy in the Republic of Moldova for the country to be accepted at the negotiating table, PAS MP Igor Chiriac stated in a public debate hosted by IPN News Agency. According to him, it is extremely important for the ruling party that this autumn’s presidential election and ref
In the state of Israel and in Corjova village, the presidential election and the national referendum could be held two consecutive days, on Saturday and Sunday, said the deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission Pavel Postica. According to him, in Israel and in Corjova the people may not be able to exercise their right to vote during one day. Also, in the two states that are
A presidential election and a constitutional referendum on joining the European Union will be held in the Republic of Moldova on October 20. The Republic of Moldova must now and in the future provide guarantees for the holding of free and fair elections, which are the basis for a democratic and prosperous society. Statements about the “intention of particular forces” t
CurrencyCodeABRRateExchange RateAlbanian lek 008 ALL 10 1.9253 Armenian Dram 051 AMD 10 0.4601 Australian Dollar 036 AUD
Op-Ed     In the post-Soviet period, the efforts to recover the memory, including the recognition of the victims of deportations, contribute to building cultural resilience of the Moldovan society by intensifying the efforts to rediscover the Romanian national identity whose assertion becomes a factor of major importance in
A number of educational institutions in Chisinau and also in the Transnistrian region received laptops purchased with the support of UNICEF and the Government of the United Kingdom. In the donation event, UNICEF Moldova Country Representative Maha Damaj said that this initiative represents a continuous commitment by UNICEF to increase educational opportunities for all children in the Rep
A system of photovoltaic panels was installed on the roof of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development. These panels will reduce electricity consumption by at most 15% at the first stage. Subsequently, the project will be extended and the reduction of energy costs will be around 45%, IPN reports.Adrian Băluțel
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