Russia wants to unilaterally change maritime border with Lithuania, Finland in Baltic Sea

Moldova1, 22 May 2024 11:30

Russia has unilaterally moved to change the maritime border with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea, according to a decree from May 21 published on the Russian government's website, The Kyiv Independent reports.

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More news from Moldova1

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The future of the Transnistrian region lies with the Republic of Moldova in the European Union, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs from Chisinau, Mihai Popșoi, at the Black Sea Security Forum in Odesa. The official assured that Chisinau is working on the reintegration strategy of the region, and the citizens, including many Russians here, do not want to be part of the "russkii mir".
President Maia Sandu is participating in the Ukraine Peace Summit, which is taking place in Switzerland. Arriving at the Bürgenstock resort, where the meeting is taking place, Maia Sandu conveyed Moldova's strong commitment to peace.
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In connection with the visit to Chisinau of the president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, the access of people to certain public places in Chisinau will be temporarily limited on Monday and Tuesday.
The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, sent a congratulatory message to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, after it was announced that the accession negotiations with the European Union (EU) will begin on June 25. According to the official, this is a huge step for both countries.
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The Bucharest authorities aim to provide our country with energy resources, according to the project of the Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with the perspective of 2050, presented today for public consultation.
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The Civil Aviation Authority (AAC) came up with a reaction, after information was distributed in the public according to which Chisinau would have refused the landing of a plane coming from Moscow with a stopover in Yerevan, in Chisinau. The authority claims that the air operator did not comply with a series of national regulations.
The President of the Republic of Italy will pay a two-day visit to Chisinau. Sergio Mattarella will arrive in the Republic of Moldova on Monday, June 17, informs the Presidency. On June 18, the official president will have a meeting with the president Maia Sandu.
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia would end the war in Ukraine only if Kyiv agreed to drop its NATO ambitions and hand over the entirety of four provinces claimed by Moscow, demands Kyiv swiftly rejected as tantamount to surrender, Reuters reports.
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An explosion and fire claimed two lives in Nussbaumen in canton Aargau on Thursday evening. Eleven people were injured, according to the cantonal police. The residents of the tower block were evacuated, write international news agencies.
Ten prosecutors resigned in connection with the Vetting process. The information was made public by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office on June 14. The institution states "with concern" that the situation creates a "major risk" for its activity, "considering the direct impact on the ability to manage high-level corruption cases".
UPDATE: The deputies of the “Victorie” bloc, banned from the next five plenary sessions of the Legislative, tried to enter the meeting room, but were blocked by the state security and protection service.
Deputies meet today, June 14, in a new plenary session. The meeting continues after it was interrupted and resumed yesterday amid the opposition's protest.
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President Joe Biden and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a 10-year security agreement Thursday that they hailed as a milestone in relations between their countries, but that alone was not enough to stop Zelenskyy from wondering how much longer he could count on America's support, AP reports.
The State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) forecasts, for Friday, June 14, rains with electrical discharges and hail. During the day, temperatures will reach up to 25 degrees Celsius, and at night, minimum temperatures of 13 degrees Celsius will be recorded.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked the leaders of the G7 group of countries on Thursday to approve a "Marshall Plan" for Ukraine's reconstruction after the damage caused by Russia's invasion, Reuters reports.
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More than 2 days ago
By 2026, Moldovans will have access to more accurate information on weather conditions, mineral resources, property locations (cadastral addresses), and urban and regional planning thanks to advancements in spatial data infrastructure.
UPDATE: The session was paused for 30 minutes. PAS deputies requested the convening of the Parliament's Permanent Bureau session.
Eight European states, including Romania, have requested in a letter addressed to the EU's head of diplomacy, Josep Borrell, that Russian diplomats be prohibited from travelling freely within the European bloc and that their right to travel freely be limited to the countries where they are accredited.
The Ministry of Defense refuted information circulating online that cites a French magazine as claiming 500 French soldiers are being deployed to the Republic of Moldova.
Another European country has signed the letter drafted by Czech European Affairs Minister Martin Dvořák.
Eighty-Three Years Since the First Wave of Stalinist Deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
The Mihai Eminescu Romanian Cultural Institute in Chișinău, partnering with the Writers' Union of Moldova and its Chisinau chapter, is organising a series of commemorative events on June 15, 2024, to mark the 135th anniversary of the passing of the national poet Mihai Eminescu.
On World Blood Donor Day, celebrated annually on June 14th, countries around the globe participate in a campaign promoting blood donation.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will announce aid of 242 million pounds sterling ($309 million) for Ukraine at the G7 summit in Italy, reports The Kyiv Independent.
Russia engaged in a "deliberate model" of starvation tactics during the 85-day siege of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol at the beginning of 2022, which constitutes a war crime, according to a new analysis submitted to the International Criminal Court, reports
Moldova braces for a cool down with scattered showers and thunderstorms.
The Armenian police deployed paralytic grenades against protesters gathered in front of the Armenian parliament building, where Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was holding a "government hour" session, according to
12 June 2024
Moldova and 90 other countries are set to attend the upcoming peace summit in Switzerland. Russia declined the invitation, while China opted out of participating in the negotiations.
The United States today announced sanctions against Evghenia Guțul, the governor of UTA Gagauzia, for her complicity with the convicted oligarch Ilan Șor and his former party.
Moldova needs to bolster its capacity to respond to extreme weather events, as these phenomena are becoming increasingly frequent.
The reevaluation of Judge Sergiu Osoianu, a candidate for the position of member in the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), has been finalised, according to an announcement by the Pre-Vetting Commission.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated in a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that Budapest has agreed not to block the alliance's military aid to Ukraine but will not participate directly.
Upon President Joe Biden's approval, another Patriot system will be dispatched to Ukraine, as reported by The New York Times (NYT), cited by BBC.
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, of the conservative camp, has announced the scheduling of legislative elections in Austria for September 29th.
The Moldovan national team (Tricolorii) acknowledged in a post-match statement that Ukraine had comprehensively outplayed them.
The State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) forecasts unsettled weather conditions persisting for the next few days, with slightly cooler temperatures.
The Commission for National Security, Defense, and Public Order may examine the case of General Gorgan in a closed-door session, during which representatives of the Information and Security Service (SIS) will be heard.
Heavy rain and storms caused damage across central Moldova on June 11th.
Early Wednesday morning, Russia launched a missile and drone strike against Kyiv. Ukrainian air defences successfully intercepted the attack, with no reported casualties or damage in the capital, as reported by Reuters.
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